Monday, May 16, 2011



-emosi ta btol
-campur dgn mood final exam yg sumpah SUCKISH!
-perasaan yg ta menentu
-senggugut yg menambah lagi serabut

n... so on... yada yada yada


sesuatu yg da lme menyentap aty..
my 1st search, aq terus cari penyakit berkaitan kaki...
bengkak at kaki, lebam at kaki, ketumbuhan at kaki...

evryfin i cud...

dye tataw btpe aq risau psl mnde uh...
 byk kali aq cuba pjok dye g check, g jpa doc..

tp dye tkot, n minx aq jgn desak dye lagi psl tu..
 so aq un diamkan...

tp kenapa?

setiap kali saya diamkan sesuatu awk anggap saya TAK KISAH..

    awk boleh bce fikiran sy?

mungkin lar kot kan? sbb awk ada reason utk sume prangai sy kan?
awak taw semua sbb npe sy buat sume yg sy lakukan an?

sebut psl ganglion, spe2 yg tataw... ney info utk newbies GENERALLY

In Ganglion Cyst, this fluid is filling the cysts located by the join of the wrist, elbow or knee and is jelly like.
To give you a complete and appropriate diagnosis, your doctor may do several tests like using ultrasound and also x-ray to analyze its condition. Very seldom, the doctor will suggest for an MRI due to its cost. Eventually, you will need treatment no matter what test that the doctors are suggesting.

In yesteryears long ago, Ganglion Cyst is also known as Bible Bumps and mostly diagnosed in women more than men. This maybe because the women did most cooking, cleaning and fieldwork during the years. The cyst had to be taken care as soon as possible once it is diagnosed. A family Bible will be used for the treatment where the book will be dropped upon the wrist of the patient, thus the name Bible Bumps surfaces.

Due to the chance of infection, this treatment is no longer used as there are new ways available for treatment. The fluid from the cyst can be withdrawn by placing a needle into it. This can be done if the cyst is not painful and after the fluid has been drawn, your doctor will inject a steroid liquid into the cyst. This helps with the swelling and remove the infection that may come from the less painful cyst. However if there is a tingling or numbness in your hand or fingers, a minor surgical procedure to remove the Ganglion Cyst may be suggested.

In a statistics, it is shown that 85% is cured from Ganglion Cysts if the fluid extraction is done 3 times or more and 74%  who have them removed once will not have reoccurences of the cyst. This shown that, with surgical procedures there are less chances for reoccurences from Ganglion Cyst. Depending on the surgery and the cyst positioning, the surgical procedure will have you splinted for 7 to 10 days and also care or physical therapy. 


MAN, ARE U CRAZY? ORG YG KO CINTA KENA AMEK RISIKO CMNIE KO TA ICAU EW? mang lar tak, kalo ko uh tunggul kayu!!

And studies shown that a long term splinting of the wrist or joint has not much benefits for the patients. Avoid using the old treatment with the book, since you may caught with infection due to the cyst draining under your skin in the tissue. As always, seek a doctors help and you’ll be fine. [hope so larh cz if not, MR DOCTOR... im gonna kill u if sumfin happend to her!!!!]


saya kol bukan cz kesian, sy syg awk... 

awk fhm ta??

npe ta kontek ari tu? lupa ew? awk akap pe?

awk da bosan dgn sume prangai babi sy...

awk,... awk kpel dgn manusia aw? bukan tunggul

n... fon sy yg sme babi cm tuan dye uh pown nak lak wat hal time2 yg ta sptotnye...

sy kpel nan awk atas dasar pe?

atas dasar tu jugak sy stay dgn awk

sy taw sy ney ta baik lgsung, tp sy cinta awk dgn hati

seketul kepingan darah yg control seluruh badan serta pemikiran

fkirlah balik ye, saya boleh idup tnpe awk o ta ye?

[ALWAYS LOVE U, syarifah nadira]

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